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Top Benefits Of Garden Decking

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  • 12-07-2021
Top Benefits Of Garden Decking

What are the top benefits of garden decking? We look at reasons why you should add decking to our home. Find out more about how decking can benefit your home.

Should I add Garden Decking to my home?

Adding outdoor garden decking to your home or garden seems like a big project to undertake. Many considerations and decisions need to be made, such as costs and what your budget can stretch to, what materials to build your decking from, as well as how much space you have to work with. But given that there is so much to bear in mind does outdoor decking add any meaningful value to your home and garden?

While we can't tell you what materials or aesthetics are best, given that these considerations are entirely subjective and different for different people, we can tell you that there is great value to be found in constructing timber decking in your garden. Depending on your budget and available space, there are garden decking options to suit any limitation. The benefits of building decking far outweigh any costs or work that you need to put in to create it. 


 Entertaining friends

Decking provides you with a dedicated area in your garden to enjoy and to share with friends and family. By making your outdoor space more practical and usable, decking gives you infinitely more options when you want to entertain guests. While timber decking is perfectly suited to use on your own, if you want to sit outside with a coffee and relax in your garden, they are also perfect for having friends over. Garden decking can greatly enhance your social gatherings.

With the additional, versatile space that decking offers, there are no limits to what you can do. Whether you love dancing, playing cards, relaxing in a hot tub or barbecuing, a decking area can open up a variety of activities for you and your friends to enjoy together. As a comfortable space for you to enjoy yourself, decking allows you to extend the practical possibilities of your home out into your garden. Being a dedicated activity space that is easy to maintain and clean, timber decking areas are the perfect place to host guests and throw parties. There is no other addition that you can add to your home that offers so much for such a manageable cost. 

 Increase home value

Like many other additions that you can make to your home, so long as they are aesthetically pleasing and professionally constructed, decking will add value to your home. Whether you are looking to boost your investment, improve the quality of your life-long home or just a quick turnaround for profit, adding decking to your home or garden is sure to boost its overall value.

Of course, if you are looking to improve your resale value, then the quality and style of the materials used when constructing your decking will also have an effect. If you use cheaper materials that will not last as long or require much more care and maintenance, this will add less value. Alternatively, hardwood or plastic composite decking that is attractive, easy to maintain and will last for decades will add much more. 

Durable - Top Benefits Of Garden Decking


Aesthetically Pleasing - Top Benefits Of Garden Decking

Aesthetically Pleasing

 Family dining

Aside from partying with friends and adding value to your property, decking also offers you a relaxing space to spend meaningful time with your family.  The versatile uses of a decking area extend to dining, allowing you to enjoy family meals in the glorious and wholesome surroundings of your garden.

Especially if your family enjoy barbecuing or grilling food outdoors, decking areas offer you the perfect place to spend a few hours talking about your days and swapping stories. Most places in the UK will not allow you to use outdoor spaces throughout the year, given the rainy and sometimes snowy weather. However, if you choose to add an awning or roof to your decking, it can become a year-round space for all the family to enjoy. 

 Additional space

The practical and versatile nature of outdoor decking areas also allows you to extend your home's usable space out into your garden. Creating additional useable space has many obvious benefits, allowing you new areas to work and relax in the outdoors. 

As said before, decking is the perfect place to entertain friends and guests and gives you more places to enjoy time with your family. On a more practical note, decking areas can also offer you more space for storage, offering you additional room to keep your belongings. 

 Value for money

The average cost of decking construction is a little over £5,000. This sounds like a lot of money, especially if you are on a tight budget. However, given that kitchen renovations, along with hiring professional contractors to carry out the work, will cost you anything up to and over £10,000 - £20,000, you can see how a decking area is far more affordable.

Depending on the size of the decking area you want to construct and which materials you choose to construct it from, the price of decking can change. Using the cheapest softwoods will allow you to construct decking for as cheaply as £1,500. Conversely, if you go for more premium quality materials, such as hardwoods or composites, it can cost you anywhere up to £13,000. 

Family Dining - Top Benefits Of Garden Decking

Family Dining

Additional Space - Top Benefits Of Garden Decking

Additional Space

What are the benefits of PVC Decking?

The durability and longevity of your decking will depend on the materials that you construct it from. The cheapest material available is fast-growing softwood tree species, such as pine or cedar. These woods are light and offer easy installation. However, while they are the cheapest option, they are also the most difficult to maintain. Softwoods also do not last as long as alternative materials.

Hardwoods are far more durable than softwoods. Many decking owners and manufacturers also agree that hardwoods are more aesthetically pleasing than softwoods. These hardwoods are more expensive than softwoods, but they will last far longer, only requiring slight maintenance.  

Plastic composite decks or PVC boards are the most durable decking materials. Composites are an excellent decking option, given their increased longevity due to the combining of plastics and natural woods. However, PVC decking is by far the longest lasting. Given that PVC decks do not contain any organic material, they will not break down due to weather, pests, moisture or other natural deterioration. 

Again, hardwood species such as oak are your best choice for aesthetics and creating a beautiful, natural-looking decking area. These woods have deep, rich colours and stunning grains, adding great beauty to your outdoor space to spend your time in.

However, PVC deck manufacturers are becoming more and more adept at creating decking that looks just as good as the real thing. Depending on your primary considerations, it may be better to choose natural-looking PVC decking boards. 

Depending on how much time you want to spend maintaining your decking, different materials will be better or worse for you. Softwood decking is by far the least durable material and will therefore require the most maintenance. Hardwoods are more durable but will still need to be regularly cleaned, treated with oils and cared for, but not to the same extent as softwoods.

Again, plastic composite or PVC decking boards are the easiest decking material to maintain. Given that they will not suffer from rotting or moisture, these materials are incredibly low-maintenance. Generally, you will only have to sweep debris from your deck and wash it whenever it becomes dirty. Aside from this, composite and PVC decking is the easiest to look after. 

If you require garden decking in Milton Keynes, Buckinghamshire contact us today. Our garden design experts can supply and install beautiful garden decking for you and your family to enjoy for years to come.